• Autumn :: Metal element

    This season, a good question to ask yourself is ‘What should I hold onto and what can I let go?‘ Fall is the season of the metal element in the Five Element Tradition. The Metal Element, consists of the lungs and large intestine, and represents clarity, refinement and maturity. Just like metal itself, the metal…

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  • Spring Clearing

    “You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming”— Pablo Neruda What parts of you are awakening? What is sprouting anew this Spring? Spring is the season of growth and the Wood element in the Five Element Tradition. The Wood Element, consists of the liver and gallbladder, gives us direction, plan,…

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  • Intention is Everything

    What you are doing may be missing something…intention. Intention is the thing that you plan to do or achieve. It is the aim or purpose behind a goal or action. This may seem obvious but in the spiritual world, there are many practices that you do that may be missing an intention. For example, you may…

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  • Embodiment

    em•bod•I•ment:  something or someone that embodies a spirit, principle The embodiment I am referring to is bringing the spirit more fully into the body. Your spirit is within your body— every little cell and inch of you hold it. But what can often happen, is part of your spirit will pop out of your body when things get difficult. As a reminder, you…

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  • Absorbing higher frequency energy

    We all vibrate energetically at a particular frequency. The lower the frequency, the denser your energy, and the harder things may seem in life. You may experience pain and discomfort in your physical body and experience heavy emotions and mental confusion. Overall, your life takes on a negative quality.  The higher the frequency of your…

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  • When to Surrender

    When you are trying to achieve a goal, you focus on that thing you want, and your energy calls in all the things to help get that goal. Often though, you push and push to get what you want but things seem to stall or get stuck. You wonder why you can’t get what you…

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  • Throat Chakra Meditation

    The Throat chakra is an important area for creation. When you speak, you evoke an energetic statement of who you are and what you want. It creates your life and moves you in the direction of what you are trying to create. This meditation is designed to clear out anything holding on to your throat…

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  • Forgiveness Prayer

    I forgive those family or friends who have betrayed me. I forgive those who have shamed me or made me feel less than. I forgive anyone who has humiliated me or made me feel like an outsider. I know it is my emotions and reaction that need healing therefore, I forgive myself.I forgive myself.I forgive…

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  • Calming your Nervous System

    Whatever cause of the stress, high levels of anxiety cause the human body to release stress hormones that result in physiological changes that can include: a pounding heart, quickening of breath, tensing of muscles and sweating. All of the body’s combined reactions to stress are known as the fight or flight response. Humans have the…

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  • Giving and Receiving with Kindness

    “There are ways to give and receive that will help you evolve as a divine feminine being. Doing so with an open heart and true kindness will continue to expand your heart and energy fields. This will bring in more for you to receive and therefore more to give. It is a cycle that should…

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