• Autumn :: Metal element

    This season, a good question to ask yourself is ‘What should I hold onto and what can I let go?‘ Fall is the season of the metal element in the Five Element Tradition. The Metal Element, consists of the lungs and large intestine, and represents clarity, refinement and maturity. Just like metal itself, the metal…

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  • When to Surrender

    When you are trying to achieve a goal, you focus on that thing you want, and your energy calls in all the things to help get that goal. Often though, you push and push to get what you want but things seem to stall or get stuck. You wonder why you can’t get what you…

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  • Enmeshment

    You are enmeshed with someone if you cannot tell the difference between your own emotions and the other person in the relationship. It can also occur if you feel like you need to rescue someone from their emotional pain or suffering. This occurs when you are operating with your energy interwoven with another energy field, and not keeping a distinct boundary. When we…

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  • Calming your Nervous System

    Whatever cause of the stress, high levels of anxiety cause the human body to release stress hormones that result in physiological changes that can include: a pounding heart, quickening of breath, tensing of muscles and sweating. All of the body’s combined reactions to stress are known as the fight or flight response. Humans have the…

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  • Giving and Receiving with Kindness

    “There are ways to give and receive that will help you evolve as a divine feminine being. Doing so with an open heart and true kindness will continue to expand your heart and energy fields. This will bring in more for you to receive and therefore more to give. It is a cycle that should…

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  • Receiving

    Receiving is an important non-action that is needed in life yet so many have difficulty with. You may have difficulty with receiving because you are a people pleaser or don’t like being in a vulnerable state. Most people are used to being in a constant state of action so opening up and receiving can be…

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  • Guided Heart Meditation

    This meditation is meant to bring you into the heart space and raise your overall vibration. The heart has the most powerful field in the body and can spread very far outside of your body and affect those around you. It is important to move yourself out of fearful thinking and panic as that lowers…

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  • Energy Routine

    What is your daily energy routine? I’m guessing you may not have one…or at least don’t think of what you do as clearing your energy and helping your vibration. Just as you have a beauty routine or daily hygiene routine you should absolutely have an energy routine. Because, after all…you are a giant glowing wonderful…

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  • Feeling is Healing

    You most likely have avoided feeling certain feelings in your life at one point or another. Everyone has experienced something difficult that caused intense emotions to come up. If you experienced something traumatic in your childhood or life then there is a good chance you pushed those feelings aside because it was all too much…

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  • 5 Ways to Raise Your Vibration

    The lower the vibration, the denser and heavier your body feels. You may feel sluggish or have mental confusion. Your emotions may lean more dark. Overall, your life may seem pretty negative. When you raise your vibration, you may notice that your body feels lighter, your emotions are more joyful and your thoughts are more…

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