You most likely have avoided feeling certain feelings in your life at one point or another. Everyone has experienced something difficult that caused intense emotions to come up. If you experienced something traumatic in your childhood or life then there is a good chance you pushed those feelings aside because it was all too much to deal with.

Here is the thing though, in order to heal those wounds you need to feel the emotions associated with that traumatic time in your life.

When a painful event occurs in our life, it creates an energetic and emotional snapshot that is held in your energy field. This snapshot or wound creates a pattern that you continually attract in your life. This is why you need to heal the original pain to clear it from your aura or energetic field. 

When we feel extreme pain or trauma our natural response is to move away from it. All we want is to be normal again or feel better and so we push the emotions away as best we can until we seemingly get to a better place. But eventually, these emotions will catch up with you and show up in other ways in your life keeping you from healthy relationships, fulfilling careers and a more joyful life.

True healing, just like all growth, requires you to be willing to work at your edge of discomfort. This is especially true when it comes to emotional healing. We simply cannot expect to transform our emotional state without diving deeply and engaging with the discomfort of our deepest and most difficult feelings.

Feelings are signals and clues to growth and expansion.

The shift from thinking to feeling happens when we pay attention to the feelings themselves. This means entering the emotions as they come up and really sitting with them and acknowledging they are there and being present with them. So if it’s anger, then feel the anger and get it out. If it is fear or betrayal then feel it and see if you can either diffuse it or see if there is another emotion underneath it.

Feelings live in our bodies so that is where to find them. They also live in different parts of the body— like anger is usually in the chest. Grief can be felt in the heart or like a heaviness on the shoulders. Fear can be felt in our gut or lower belly. Taking some time to pay attention to what you feel and where can give you more information about what is happening in your body and energy.

This is just the first steps in healing as it is a process and sometimes takes a windy course. If you are suffering from sever trauma then help from a healing practitioner or therapist may help things move out more smoothly. But first just let emotions come up and out. Don’t stuff them away because they seem ugly– they are telling you a wound needs to be healed and the best thing to do is to acknowledge them and let yourself feel them.

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