5 Ways to Raise Your Vibration

The lower the vibration, the denser and heavier your body feels. You may feel sluggish or have mental confusion. Your emotions may lean more dark. Overall, your life may seem pretty negative.

When you raise your vibration, you may notice that your body feels lighter, your emotions are more joyful and your thoughts are more positive. Taking care of your vibration (or energy) helps increase a more positive flow within you and helps you align with desires, your purpose or higher self.

1. Clean your Space and De-Clutter

Cleaning out your environment can have a huge impact on your energy. Ridding your home of dust, dirt and junk is a way to shift the energy around you. Even better– after your de-clutter…donate!

2. Exercise and move your body

Moving your body gets the blood pumping and energy rising in the body. Any type of exercise or movement can help clear stagnation in the body and increase its vibration.

3. Say ‘thank you’ for what you are grateful for

Making a list of what you are grateful for puts your focus and energy in your heart space. Feeling grateful lifts your emotions out of a lower vibration and into the heart. It places your focus on what you have as opposed to lack…which also helps attract more of what you are grateful for.

4. Meditate daily

There are many types of meditations you can do and I think almost all are capable of raising your vibration. Slowing down your breath will calm the nervous system and help you relax. It can also help clear negative thoughts or help you observe what is stressing you out to give you some perspective. Feeling calmer and more at peace are higher vibrational sensations.

5. Eat more vegetables and less junk foods

Foods have different vibrations and therefore what you eat affects your energy. Things like fruit and vegetables that grow from sunlight have a high vibration compared to packaged snacks and junk food that are more dense and made of mostly sugar. Find your favorite veg and eat it up!


What Lowers your Vibration?

In order to keep your vibration high, you should know what to avoid. There are a number of things that will bring you into a lower vibration, but here are some of the most common ones to try to avoid:

  • Negative People/ Constant Negative thinking
  • Chemicals
  • Fear
  • Anxiety
  • Processed Foods
  • Alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Drugs
  • Violent TV shows and movies
  • Violent video games

There are many ways to raise your vibration which I will continue to share. These should be a good place for you to start– let me know if any of them work for you.

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