“You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming”— Pablo Neruda

What parts of you are awakening? What is sprouting anew this Spring? Spring is the season of growth and the Wood element in the Five Element Tradition. The Wood Element in us gives us direction, plan, and structure. It governs your nervous system. It filters toxins out of our digestive system. When the Wood is working effectively in your body:

:: you excel at clear seeing and planning, bringing your goals into reality;

:: you are both assertive and flexible during confrontation and disagreement;

If you are deficient in Wood then the opposite might be true of the above. To support Liver you can make sure to go to bed early so it is resting during its peak time. You can gently massage this meridian line especially in Spring, to support your inner-balance. As this is for preventative self-care purpose so don’t get too worried with the exact pressure point locations, simply follow the meridian line.

Your Liver and Gut are the Spring for your body. They are about to experience their peak energy and you can do a few things to help them:

Start your day earlier:

Breathe in the morning air with the sunrise. Listen to the birds singing and gaze at the flowers sprouting.

Make yourself goji berry tea, especially in the afternoon.

As the temperature rises up, do you also feel the impatience or perhaps even frustration or anger growing within? That is your Live Qi not getting channeled properly. Goji berries nourish your Liver thus helping you to sleep better and quicker. Put a handful of Goji berries into hot water, then you are ready to go! Try Goji berries with Chamomile tea and a spoon of honey.

Have an ample lunch and light dinner. Bitter foods are best for liver.

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