What you are doing may be missing something…intention.

Intention is the thing that you plan to do or achieve. It is the aim or purpose behind a goal or action.

This may seem obvious but in the spiritual world, there are many practices that you do that may be missing an intention. For example, you may sit down to meditate and do this practice for 10-20 minutes and feel like it isn’t working. Well, did you decide before the meditation why you are doing it? Is there a clear purpose to it?

It is hard to know if something is successful if there isn’t an intention or purpose set behind it. The same can be true for healing sessions– I find it best when there is a clear intention to what we are working on versus just a clearing. That way the client can pay attention in the weeks following on what we intended to heal and look for those changes.

Times to set intentions:

  • Healings of any kind (energy, Acupuncture, massage)
  • Meditation
  • Before sleep
  • Morning; for the day
  • Before a meal
  • Journaling
  • Connecting with guides + angels
  • Beginning of week/month/year
  • and any others you can think of!

Examples of intentions:

Meditation: I intend to calm my mind. I intend to open my heart.

Healing: I set the intention to release old patterns. I intend to clear anything, not of my highest good.

Before sleep: I set the intention to let my muscles rest and recover. I set the intention to remember my dreams.

Daily: Today, I intend to be kind. Today, I intend to be forgiving.


The intention is what you want to create and motivation is the force to create it. In other words, intention feeds motivation. So, if you are lacking motivation–where are you missing intention? You may need to search for what you are intending to do in different areas of your life. When you have a clear intention that should help drive your motivation.

I think intentions give more meaning to everything you are doing and will give even the smallest actions a bigger impact. Our minds are powerful in the creation of our lives and if you put intention behind all your actions you will find more success and more meaning at every step. The universe will respond to positive intentions because you are giving it the energy to respond to. If you are moving through the world on autopilot without much thought or emotion, then that is what you will get in return. So, take a moment before your morning coffee, meditation, or meal and set a positive intention.  Let go and see what happens!





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