This is a quick meditation you can do in the morning or when the sun comes out. I love meditating in the sun and allowing the energy to pour through me. I feel an immediate shift from the sun as it holds many codes and information in its rays. If it isn’t sunny where you…
What you are doing may be missing something…intention. Intention is the thing that you plan to do or achieve. It is the aim or purpose behind a goal or action. This may seem obvious but in the spiritual world, there are many practices that you do that may be missing an intention. For example, you may…
We all vibrate energetically at a particular frequency. The lower the frequency, the denser your energy, and the harder things may seem in life. You may experience pain and discomfort in your physical body and experience heavy emotions and mental confusion. Overall, your life takes on a negative quality. The higher the frequency of your…
Receiving is an important non-action that is needed in life yet so many have difficulty with. You may have difficulty with receiving because you are a people pleaser or don’t like being in a vulnerable state. Most people are used to being in a constant state of action so opening up and receiving can be…
Most of you are aware of the main seven chakras in the body but did you know about the navel chakra? And I don’t mean your solar plexus. There are quite a few more that are either smaller or more spiritual-centered chakras. The Navel chakra is one that was closed down in the time of…
Below is a guided meditation to help clear fear and trauma. Most of us have experienced some sort of trauma in our lifetime. Even something that seems pretty minor that happened as a child can feel traumatic because as a child you don’t understand what is going on in a particular situation. While others have…
Growing up I picked up on the fact that it was better to be a boy (in some societal context) and found myself trying to be a tomboy — ditching my dancing for sports. I would swear, spit and burp with the boys… sometimes seen as cool and sometimes not. As I entered the workforce…
This meditation is meant to bring you into the heart space and raise your overall vibration. The heart has the most powerful field in the body and can spread very far outside of your body and affect those around you. It is important to move yourself out of fearful thinking and panic as that lowers…
If you are feeling anxious, floaty or unsettled, grounding your energy is important. Feeling grounded means feeling centered, present, or down to earth. When you think of someone who is grounded they seem very solid and earthy— the way you think about a tree rooted into the earth. I talk about this in my post getting…
This meditation will help clear out any thoughts, beliefs or emotions that you are hanging on to that need to be let go. You may have something in mind already that needs to be cleared or you can allow something to pop up during the meditation. I hope you enjoy this meditation. Leave…