Opening your Navel Chakra

Most of you are aware of the main seven chakras in the body but did you know about the navel chakra? And I don’t mean your solar plexus. There are quite a few more that are either smaller or more spiritual-centered chakras. The Navel chakra is one that was closed down in the time of Atlantis because its power was being misused. Now that we are in the ascension process and moving up and raising our vibrations this particular chakra is coming back online.

This chakra “takes you from a feeling of isolation and inability to relate to others, to a feeling of warm friendliness and mutual respect to welcoming community”.* The Navel center will turn into a beautiful orange/peach color and is also a powerful chakra for creation and manifestation. 

The meditation below is to help you open your navel chakra and start to expand and connect in with your community– especially at a time when we are all feeling very separate and isolated. Hopefully this will expand your connections and community far beyond what it has been.


I have many more guided meditations for you to try. Enjoy!




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