Gold Ray Gemstone Energy

As a healer for several years now, I have trained in multiple modalities of energy healing. I was trained in ARCH which is essentially an ancient way of using Divine Source energy for healing and transformation and for guiding people back to Oneness. “ARCH” is an acronym for “Ancient Rainbow Conscious Healing”. It accesses centuries-old shamanic healing techniques and the knowledge of the Kahuna, the shaman priests of Old Hawaii.

Over time I also started to connect with Atlantis energy more from the teachings I received doing ARCH. I used this energy for a few years until I started to be able to connect to much higher vibrational energy as well as integrate new gifts. Through years of working on myself and studying energy mechanics and higher levels of consciousness I have seen a great transformation in myself and abilities as a healer.

I now access the Gold Ray of energy which is a high vibrational energy of the Seraphim. I combine this energy with the harmonics of etheric gemstones. These gemstones bring thru the healing properties of the physical gemstones we know such as Ruby, Citrine, Emerald, Obsidian, Opal and many more. 

The combination of these energies are able to correct generational trauma and other traumas in the light body through the multidimensional layers. They match what is needed in the clients fields so as to clear and raise the vibration. These energies are very powerful and effective in healing past traumas that are causing a ripple effect of issues in your life today.