Mini Meditation :: Heart Healing

This is a meditation for healing the heart space. You don’t necessarily need to be grieving something or have heartache for this meditation to be relevant for you. The heart chakra holds a lot of different emotions that over the course of our lives require healing. There is potentially a lot of feelings stored in your heart that may need to be released or softened.
Emotions stored in the Heart are: Love, Compassion, Passion, Anger/Rage, Joy & Exuberance, Stoicism, Courage, Bereavement, Loss, Isolation, Martyrdom, Resentment & Bitterness, Serenity & Peace, Anxiety, Depression, Abandonment, Intimacy, Accepting, Nurturing, Forgiveness
As you can see, there is quite a range of emotions here, that you have probably felt at one time or another. Some that you could still be holding onto. In order to heal the heart you have to be able to love yourself, which means love and accept who you are and what you are feeling. You need to be able to accept and send love to these areas of yourself in order to heal them.

: heart healing :

This meditation is about getting you into your heart space so you can heal and release any stuck emotions. It can be done quickly in 5 minutes or up to 20 minutes depending on the time you have.

Follow these steps:

  • If there was an emotion above that you feel like you are holding onto or have an imbalance of, set an intention for this meditation to heal that emotion.
  • Find a quiet place to sit– on the floor with legs crossed, on some pillows or a chair with feet uncrossed and on the floor.
  • Close your eyes, relax your face and jaw. Sit up straight, with chin slightly down to elongate the back of your neck.
  • Take a deep inhale and exhale fully.
  • Bring your attention to your chest/heart chakra.
  • Breathe into this area for a few rounds of breath and really feel the full space of the chest and the heart.
  • Think of something you love – could be a place or a person that brings up that feeling of love.
  • Spread that love through your heart space and into the actual heart to heal any pain.
  • Continue to focus on the heart and it will surface anything that needs to be cleared.
  • Let any thoughts or emotions that pop up just wash away as you allow the feeling of love to flow through your heart.
  • Feel the intention of what you set at the beginning to release, slowly dissipate as you continue to breathe.
  • Turn this feeling of love onto yourself. Love the part of you that is out of balance. Love the thing that you set the intention to release. Let that feeling of love be compassion for yourself and where you are today.
  • To close the meditation, place your hands at heart center in prayer position. Take a moment to remember your intention and gently open your eyes.

May you feel much lighter as you go about your day + love who you are.


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