You have probably heard of chakras by now and may even know where the root chakra is located. There is a lot of interesting facts about each chakra and what happens when they are out of balance of which you may not be aware.
Firstly, chakras are energy centers or vortexes located throughout the body. There are seven main chakras that align up the spine. The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and is what keeps you grounded or “rooted” to the earth. This chakra is about survival– more instinctual things like hunger, fear, health, need for warmth and shelter. When we have all these things in our life we feel safe in the world. When we get sick, lose our jobs, get evicted from a home, these things can throw our first chakra into overtime which can cause panic within the body.
This chakra can be imbalanced if a person feels overly fearful, vulnerable, helpless, wanting to belong. On the flip side it can be overly active if someone is too mistrusting, overly independent, and fearless. The key is balance. Do you feel a sense of belonging with your family or community? Or do you feel isolated and hopeless around those connections?
Or do you ever think “No one’s ever there for me. No one cares.”, “No ones helping me.”, “If you want something done right you have to do it yourself.”? All of these are things someone might say that relates to the root chakra.
One way to ground yourself is to get out into nature and feel your feet on the ground– imagining the earths energy coming up through the bottom of your feet. Getting out in to nature helps keep us grounded and connected.
To learn more about this chakra and others I have a  Chakra Program that delves into each chakra one at a time.
Read about the Sacral Chakra next.

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