Meditation is a wonderful way to bring a peaceful energy into your life and those around you. The holidays are supposed to be a time for peace. There is so much unrest going on in the world right now,  the more we can all tune into the vibration of peace, the more we can spread it around. Below are a couple of meditations to bring you internal peace and also to send peace out to a place, people or region.
Peace is something we think of as calmness, a feeling or state of being. It is the opposite of war, where all are getting along. It is also a level of vibration– a very high vibration, one that is higher than joy and love. The best way to achieve this level of vibration is through meditation.
I recommend starting with the first meditation to bring peace to yourself before sending it out into the world. There is no exact time in how long you should do these. Follow your inner guidance in what feels right and complete.
Inner Peace Meditation

  • Find a quiet place to sit (on floor or chair)
  • Take a few deep breaths to settle into your space and body. Feel your seat and sink in a little deeper with each inhale + exhale.
  • Breathing in through your nose, start to visualize a bright white light coming down from the sky and into your crown chakra at the top of your head.
  • Each inhale brings in more light into your body and the exhale spreads it through your chakras.
  • Visualize the white light filling each chakra starting at the crown, moving down into the third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and all the way down into the root.
  • Once you have brought the light into all the chakras, continue your rhythmic breathing as the white light expands into every inch of your body. Filling up every cell and corner that you can find and feel.
  • When that feels complete, place your hands over your heart and seal in the energy.
  • To finish take a few deep breaths and open your eyes when you are ready.

Meditation for Sending Peace

  • Start with the steps above, filling yourself with white light.
  • Once you feel you are in a more peaceful state, begin to visualize the white light within you expanding outside of your body, filling your aura.
  • With each inhale and exhale, the light expands out further and further outside of you.
  • Think of where you would like to send this peaceful energy; set the intention in your mind to send this vibrational energy of peace to a place or people.
  • Imagine a stream of this white light going from you to the place (or people) you want to send it.
  • Breathing in and out continues and strengthens the stream of light you are sending.
  • Continue with this visualization until you feel like the peaceful vibration has been sent. (trust your intuition on this, the intention alone will send the light where you want it to go).
  • To finish take a few deep breaths and open your eyes when you are ready.

peaceful meditation, earth

globe image source:

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