What do you WANT? When you can’t decide what is next.

I have talked to so many women recently, all stuck in a similar spot— not knowing what they want in life. It is a frustrating place to be because you cannot figure out what to do next.  So you sit idly in one spot, spinning until you figure out what it is you want.

Only by knowing what you want, can you decide what’s next.

The problem is, what if you are spinning for months? years?
For some, this seems like a relatively easy thing to know. There are people who just always know what they want. Whether its a job, a new hobby, a relationship, what to do for fun…they have a clear sense of their desires in life.
But for many, this can be a struggle that seems overwhelming, and extremely frustrating when you have no clue how to get out of it.

Why is it SO HARD to figure out what you want sometimes?


  • There is the scenario of having too many options. I liken this to being in a grocery store in the cereal isle and there are hundreds of boxes of cereal. It can be so overwhelming to pick one until you check in with yourself to figure out what flavor you want and then narrow down the options from there.
  • Sometimes you don’t know what you want to do because you haven’t let go of something that has caused you pain. When you can’t let go of the past you can’t really move forward in the present.
  • Having clarity of what you want in the future. It’s hard for many people to dream– its not something a lot of people allow themselves to do. Most are too busy with getting things done in their present life to take time to dream about their future. They are just trying to get through their workday, take care of kids, find time to workout, etc. If you don’t take time to dream and picture what you want then you don’t really have a direction you are aiming for in life. Instead your life just takes a course of its own.
  • Some feel they are at a crossroads. Not knowing which route to take. Part of dreaming of the future is being able to visualize what the different scenarios might look and feel like. Taking yourself fully down that road can really help you figure out if its the direction you want to go in and what you really want in life.

Being stuck in this place usually means your second chakra is out of balance. When we are open and in balance energetically, things move easily and just flow for us. When we are blocked, we get stuck in a particular area of life. The second chakra has all to do with your desires in life.
Exercises to try to figure out what you want:

  • Journaling about what you want AND what you don’t want is a really good way to start to narrow down the choices. Sometimes it’s a lot easier to list out what you don’t want and the things you want will just start to surface from there.
  • Take time to dream. Don’t just think about some of your options for 10 minutes and stop. Really set aside some significant time to map out what the different scenarios might look like for you. Make some lists, collage or use pinterest if you are more visual— what does life look like in the various options you have and what feels really good?
  • Connect with others. Creating connection with other people that inspire us helps drive our inspiration. This might be a friend, family member, maybe network to meet someone new or even someone who you don’t know but you think is doing something interesting can give you the inspiration to figure out what you want.


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