The sacral chakra is just above the root chakra and is in the lower abdomen region. It is about our ability to connect with others physically, emotionally and sexually. It is about relationships and boundaries within those relationships.
At this level our awareness includes another and is where desire rises up. It is also where creativity comes from in our bodies. Its a balance of power, vulnerability and a clear understanding of your desires.
Some things to ask yourself to find out if your second chakra is out of balance are:
” Are you going after your desires in life? Or passively waiting for your desires to come true?”
“Are the relationships in your life balanced or are you extremely independent? Or too dependent on someone?”
“Do you feel creatively blocked or stuck?”
To learn more about this chakra and others I have a  Chakra Program that delves into each chakra one at a time.
Read about the Solar Plexus Chakra next.

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