Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra is all about our personal power and will. It is our sense of identity and self esteem. It is the fire in our belly that drives us to do what we want in life. Its task is to overcome inertia and get things moving.

An overactive 3rd chakra might have you acting aggressive, feeling responsible for others, intimdating or territorial. On the flip side, an under balanced or close 3rd chakra causes you to feel inadequate, restraint, giving up or avoidance.

Some questions to ask yourself to see if you might be out of balance at this level are:

“Do you feel overly responsible for other people in your life?”

“Is it important for you to feel competent at everything you do? Or do you feel inadequate that you don’t finish projects that you start?”

“Do you seek out the advice of everyone before making a decision?” (thus giving away your personal power)

To learn more about this chakra and others read about my  Chakra Program that delves into each chakra one at a time– opening, clearing and balancing them as you work through letting go old patterns and pain.

Next read about the Heart Chakra.

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