Receiving is an important non-action that is needed in life yet so many have difficulty with. You may have difficulty with receiving because you are a people pleaser or don’t like being in a vulnerable state. Most people are used to being in a constant state of action so opening up and receiving can be very difficult.


Try this simple exercise to get into a state of receiving:


  • Breath into your body, relaxing each area of your body. When you feel like you are relaxed and able to breath calmly and slowly, focus on your energy field. Or imagine a field around you and see its light.
  • Go from seeing a bright white light to soft pink light.
  • When you get it to a soft pink hue, say “I am in a state of receiving. All that I ask for is coming in the right timing for my path.
  • So it is. Thank you.”
  • Rest in this state for as long as you can. Then take some deep breaths to come back to your body and return to your day.

Another way to soften your energy and allow energy to come to you is by connecting in with your feminine energy. Try this meditation to tap in.

comments (2)

  • Geralin Clark
    September 14, 2020 at 11:48 pm

    You are such a gift to so many Marissa. Thank you for your teachings.

    • marissa
      September 19, 2020 at 11:58 am

      Oh, you are too sweet! Thank you!!

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