Healing with Salt

You clean your physical body on a daily basis so why wouldn’t you clear the outer layers of your energetic body (which include emotional, mental and more spiritual layers that we all have).

Regularly cleansing your personal energy (aura) is an essential act. Everyday, you are coming into contact with a lot of people and different environments, which you can absorb into your energy. For example, ever feel “grimy” after a day of work even if you aren’t dirty? That is your body telling you that there is some negative energy or emotional buildup needing to be released. If you aren’t clearing this energy on a regular basis then it can build up over time and leave you feeling sluggish and tired — possibly even scattered, exhausted or getting an illness. A monthly salt water bath is a great way to start clearing this negative energy and start feeling revived!

Epsom salt is actually magnesium sulfate, a mineral that helps your body produce energy. Most people are magnesium deficient, which can lead to problems such as increased anxiety, muscle aches and high blood pressure. On a physical level, an Epsom salt bath is an excellent way to increase magnesium in the body and keep at bay ailments that come with magnesium deficiency.

The are other salts you can use like Dead Sea Salt for healing the body + aura. “When salt is heated, it creates negatively charged ions which produce a negative charge; therefore, when these ions enter our body they attach to toxins and neutralize them. “*

Negative ions are odorless, tasteless, and invisible molecules that we inhale in abundance in certain environments. Think mountains, waterfalls, and beaches. Once they reach our bloodstream, negative ions are believed to produce biochemical reactions that increase levels of the mood chemical serotonin, helping to alleviate depression, relieve stress, and boost your daytime energy. **


salt bath
image source: @strengthandsalad

Grounds your energy. Sulphur is one of your major foundational salts that make up your body and so replenishing this helps you to ground your etheric bodies into your physical. Epsom Salts is regarded as an Earth Element which connects you to the ground and creates integration of all energy levels.

Provides a space to release. Energetically, water itself is the most Yin of all the elements, meaning it has a more passive-go with the flow of energy. Water not only cleanses the physical body but also is where you can be at your most quiet, reflective and calm. It is associated with emotions and intentional bathing with salts can be a very emotionally clearing process or ritual.

Detox your Body
You can either take a bath or soak your feet for a body detox. The sulfates and salts naturally found in Epsom salt remove toxins by reverse osmosis. Just sit back, relax and let the minerals do the work.

Better Sleep + Reduce Anxiety
You can get a better night’s sleep after an salt bath. Epsom salt can boost brain neurotransmitters that are responsible for inducing sleep and reducing stress. Magnesium calms the mind and aids in lowering stress and anxiety that may be keeping you up at night. For the best results, take a warm Epsom salt bath before bed.  


  • After working with lots of people and groups, being among illness or low energy people.
  • After being in over crowded or stressful environments.
  • After a healing session (energy/massage)
  • On the New Moon for cleansing
  • When you don’t feel like you are in your body + need grounding
  • After you have done a lot of emotional release work
  • After a confrontation
  • After an accident, shock, fall or any event that has caused a jolt


At Home
You can put small bowls of epsom salts in the main living areas to assist in the detoxification of energy in environment. Ensure you change the salts every few days to avoid a build up of stagnant energy.

Crystal Cleansing
These salts can also be used to cleanse crystals by placing some into a small, shallow bowl and placing your crystals into the salts for a few hours.

  • Pour a 1-2 cups of epsom salt into a bath (depending on size to dissolve)
  • Add relaxing essential oils such as lavender, eucalyptus, bergamot (1-3 drops)
  • You can also add in rosewater if you have that and like the scent

If you don’t like baths you can also just fill a bowl of epsom salt water in the shower and pour over your body while showering. You can also rub the salt onto your skin while showering– it is an exfoliant as well. Try all the different methods to heal your body + aura with salt. You can also try using palo santo as a way to clear your energy.



*reference elliebianca.com **https://www.webmd.com/balance/features/negative-ions-create-positive-vibes#1

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