Is someone sucking the life out of you? Maybe family members, someone from a past relationship, a co-worker? This 498647b35e695efacb00a3bc0a5ebdecphrase is common language when people feel drained by others but many don’t realize that it is actually happening on an energetic level from one person to another.
This refers to something called AKA cords, which is a Hawaiian term, that defines it as everything is connected to every other thing. Relationship, attraction… gravity…love. Throughout your life, you establish aka cord connections between yourself and people, places or things. These cords are created whenever you think about someone or something, speak about them, or take some action that involves them. Thus, by thoughts, words, and deeds you form many aka ties. Thoughts and feelings travel along these slender cords are usually are only readily visible when they represent the union in relationships, because the cords of love between people are stronger than attachments to things. (This image here is a humorous way of looking at cords if they were more physical. But in fact they are more like the image below where the attachments are at the Chakra level.)
Like “Apron strings” between mother and child, they are how we exchange empathy, love, and information. This usually happens on an unconscious level for most people. These etheric cords are a normal connection between friends and lovers. Most are flimsy and fade quickly, but they can also become negative attachments and energy sucking tubes. This is when you still feel attachments to old lovers, friends that have hurt you, family that constantly is pulling at you in some way.
If you pull cords from family or loved ones (never have them cut because it leaves remnants that can be worse) and you still want to be connected to them, you can create what is called a “heart link” cord. Image a cord coming from each person that has a hook at the end and the link in the middle. It is a mutual cord; where you are linked at the heart but not in a negative attached way.
Based on my training, it is thought that you shouldn’t have any cords attached to you unless it’s between a parent and a child. Only those cords are necessary to help children feel safe and grounded in the world. If you think about multiple people being attached to you, consider how much of your energy is getting pulled from your energetic body. It can cause emotional blocks that hold us back from moving forward in life. I have also seen physical pains occur in the areas where people are corded.
There are ways to remove the cords so that you can retain all of your personal energy as well as pull back any of the Aura2cords you have sent out yourself. It is one of the services I provide that I find to be extremely beneficial and freeing to all those who are feeling like they are being drained from one or a few people.
It becomes especially apparent for many during the holiday season when we are around family more and those old emotional issues start to arise. If this resonates with you, consider a treatment. It will return your energy back to its rightful owner.

comments (6)

  • Stephanie Pearson
    July 30, 2015 at 2:32 pm

    Great article! This explains why I feel both so connected to and weighted down by my three kids even when they are not with me.

    • mjcheecha
      July 30, 2015 at 4:21 pm

      Thank you! Yes, they can pull on you energetically no matter where they are.

  • Jan Aakjaer
    March 3, 2016 at 12:44 am

    Interesting article. I would like to know, who owns the rights for the picture of the two people with threads between them – it kind of says everything, and I would like to use it.

    • mjcheecha
      March 9, 2016 at 10:56 pm

      I have looked for the source but can’t seem to find it…sorry.

    • Natalie
      April 3, 2017 at 1:45 am

      The picture is from the book ‘Light Emerging’ by Barbara Ann Brennan.

      • mjcheecha
        April 6, 2017 at 2:30 pm

        thank you!

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