5 ways to reduce stress


Its the time of year where we start to hunker down after a summer of play and focus on work, kids, school and the holidays are around the corner. What does this equal? STRESS. So much going on and so little time to do it. When we get stressed out and our necks and shoulders get stiff, it is our bodies way of telling us that something needs to let go. Usually, it is the thoughts in our mind racing around that keep us running frantic, not sleeping and feeling stressed out.

Here are 5 ways to reduce your stress:
1. Breath This sounds really simple but when people get stressed out they tense up and their breathing gets shallow. This is just a reminder to stop and take a few deep breaths. Taking 12 deep breaths lowers your heart rate, so remember that when you are sitting behind a computer freaking out about a deadline and just breath…..ahhhh
2. Exercise When the weather gets crappy its hard to get outside to exercise but its really so important to do a few times a week. Running, walking, yoga, boxing, whichever calls your name– remember that this is an amazing way to move the energy in your body and stretch those muscles to release stress.
3. Meditate A lot of people know that meditation is good for calming the mind but generally the response I hear is “I can’t meditate, my mind doesn’t turn off.” “I don’t know how”.  Well, the whole point of meditation is to calm the mind and focus it…so, if you can’t turn it off then all the more reason to start meditating. It is a life long practice and there is no such thing as perfect. Just the act of doing it will start to get you more focused and calm. Just 5 minutes a day has an enormous impact. And if you don’t know how, here are some exercises to try.
4. Self-care When we are running around taking care of all the things going on in our lives we tend to forget about ourselves. Find at least one night a week where you can do something for yourself– event just an hour. Hot bath, getting your nails done, spending time with a friend, go to the spa…you get the idea. What do you really want to do? Now do it. No buts!
5. Body-Energy Work There are many ways to heal and release the stress out of your body. There is massage which is great at physically moving the stress out of the muscles. Acupuncture is great if you are ok with needles. Energy healing that helps move the energy through hands on or distance is also a great option. Find one that you love or try them all and see the effects. I am sure these are things you have tried before but when we are stressed out we tend to forget what works for us. Hopefully this is a good reminder to keep you stress free!

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