Mini Meditation :: White Light

This mini meditation is about visualizing white light. Visualization is a very powerful tool for creating what we want in our lives. If we don’t imagine things then we can’t create them.
White light is the purest healing light that can be used to clear away negative energy. Using white light unlocks our natural healing capacity and increases our overall wellbeing. So, visualizing this light while meditating will help heal and clear away stuck or negative energy.


: white light :


Follow these steps:

  • Find a quiet place to sit– either on the floor with legs crossed or on some pillows or even a chair with feet uncrossed and on the floor.
  • Close your eyes, relax your face and jaw. Sit up straight, with chin slightly down to elongate the back of your neck.
  • Take a deep inhale and exhale to fully empty the belly. Notice how your body feels.
  • Continue to take a few breaths as you relax into your body.
  • Start to visualize a white light coming down from the sky. Keep focusing on it as it gets brighter and brighter.
  • Then see that light coming down through the top of your head at the crown chakra.
  • With each breath, imagine the white light spreading slowly through your body– from your head all the way down to your toes.
  • Once you can see the white light filling your body, start to visualize that light expanding outside of your body with each breath.
  • Hold this visual as long as you can, getting brighter and brighter with each inhale and exhale
  • Do this for about 5-10 minutes. Notice how you feel after.

This meditation is great for working on your visualization ability and bringing healing light through your body. You should feel lighter and more expansive after.

If you are interested in a longer meditation that works on each chakra:  Sign up for a FREE Chakra Meditation Guide.


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