Throat Chakra Healing

Communication is a creative process; a form of expression. It’s the connection between our sense of who we are inside and how we represent ourselves in the world and expressing ourselves in a truthful manner. 
Asserting will and desires is part of this center— being able to declare what we want. Communication is an act of connection and a way of extending ourselves beyond our limitations and uniting with others. It shapes our reality and creates the future. 

Health in this center calls for a balance between expressing ourselves and listening to others, pushing ourselves forward to fulfill our needs or waiting for them to come to us.

Questions to ask yourself to see if your throat is imbalanced.

  • Are you able to express to the world who you are?
  • Can you express your desires?
  • Can you speak up about things that upset you? 
  • Are you honest with people? Yourself?
  • Do you listen when others are speaking or find yourself not paying attention?
  • Have a hard time finding your words or what you want to say?
  • Do you have a lot of neck pain? Sore throats? Thyroid issues?


Various Ways to Clear your Throat Chakra

Sound is a powerful purifying tool and can help clear and balance your throat. One way is during meditation to chant, OM (AUM) at the throat chakra level to start opening and clearing. Place your focus on the throat while you are chanting– slowly inhale and then chant on your exhale.

Crystals are also very useful tools to help clear your chakras. For the throat chakra I recommend using Lapis lazuli, Blue chalcedony or Sodalite. You can hold them or lie down and place one on your throat while you meditate.

Essential oils are also great ways to clear your throat internally or externally. For the throat, peppermint oil can be rubbed on the outside of your throat or can be taken internally to coat the inside of the throat (also peppermint tea is great to drink if you are feeling imbalance in this area).

Find new ways to express yourself — like journaling, creative writing, singing, reading out loud or other forms of expression. Putting your energy + attention on this chakra will start to shift things internally and externally!

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