Do you have moments where it seems really difficult to speak up? There is this thought stirring in your mind and when you try to get it out, for some reason it feels stuck somewhere between your heart and throat and just sits there.
It can be alking to a partner, friend or even someone at work. We really want to get out how we feel or think but something is holding us back. It could be fear of the reaction from the other person. Maybe it is something that stirs up some big emotions in us and we just can’t spit it out.
For some, speaking up at the workplace can be difficult. Playing the fine lines between your opinions and office politics. Where it can be harder others is in relationships and partnerships. Wanting to say how you feel without exposing too much of yourself. Being worried how you will be perceived or if the person will still accept you or want to be with you.
So, what is going on here? Are we holding ourselves back? Is something or someone else holding us back? Well, I think its a combination of those things. We can hold ourselves back by creating thoughts and beliefs about a situation or person. If we think, “this person is never going to understand what I have to say” then we are giving ourselves an excuse not to tell them what we need to. Creating a mental belief that holds us back from saying what we want.
Emotions can be what we feel rising up inside of us and we suddenly feel a restriction in our body. Might be in our heart or our throat and we can’t spit out the words we want. It feels like something is physically holding us back. This brings us back to energy and AKA cords that I have mentioned before.
When emotions run high, speaking our minds can be so so hard.
Everything is connected to every other thing. Relationship, attraction…gravity…love. The particular cords I am speaking to happen at the etheric level which is the emotional body. I believe this is why we get emotionally charged by other people who attach cords to us. They pull at us in different spots in our body and cause different reactions. One being…causing us to hold back what we need to say. 
I helped remove cords from someones boyfriend recently and she said,
“It felt like we re-established a friendship (we were friends first) and things became more carefree. Our conversations were more light-hearted and I wasn’t taking his stuff personally.” 
Another person was having difficulty communicating in the workplace and said that after a cord pulling session,
“Where I would normally be pulled emotionally in multiple directions, I notice clarity. I don’t have to wrap myself around the way another person may possibly interpret my communications. Their response can be theirs, and I don’t have to manage it. I’m enjoying the sense of freedom and ease that gives me in both work and personal relationships.”
There can be many reasons why we hold back what we need to say. The first step is turning within and recognizing is it something that has to do with an mental belief, block or fear? Or is it possibly tied to another person. If you can tune into yourself to see what the root cause might be that is a really good first step in clearing the block. Journaling or talking about it with someone helps to move the energy and potentially get you past those fears. When they still remain, then working on the energetic level would be a great next step.

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