I never thought I would be someone to make my own deodorant, but here I am writing about DIY deodorant because I am amazed at how great it is. It seriously is better and more effective than ANY deodorant that I have ever bought. I’ve had a number of people tell me here in Portland that they made their own deodorant with oils and I thought, thats great…I am happy buying mine. Finally, after hearing about for the 10th time I decided to try it out– I already had all the ingredients in my kitchen so, why not?

  • ¼ cup aluminum free baking soda
  • ¼ cup cornstarch
  • 3-5 tablespoons coconut oil (melt down solidified coconut oil)
  • 15 drops desired IMG_4681essential oil (see recommendations below)
  • 1 empty deodorant container or jar

Recommended essential oils:

Lemon, Basil, Melaleuca, Lavender, On Guard, Lime, Geranium, Lemongrass, Purify, and Thyme

  1. Combine the baking soda, cornstarch and essential oils in a bowl
  2. Add in the coconut oil in a little bit at a time until you get the consistency desired
  3. Press mixture into a jar and let the coconut oil sit until it solidifies

For my blend I chose lemon, basil and geranium which is actually a really refreshing smell. I have not had the body odor smell since I have started using it and I have gone running and rock climbing…things that make me sweat a lot and usually stink a little. I have been so surprised at how effective this is that I don’t think I will ever buy deodorant again!!!

comments (4)

  • Nicole Weinstock
    February 19, 2015 at 5:36 pm

    I literally stumbled upon a post about DIY deodorant yesterday. I didn’t read it in my rush, and then when I saw your post today I thought, Oooo, it’s a sign. I had to read it. This sounds fantastic, Marissa! Do you think I could get away with one or two oils as opposed to the full mix? The full oil selection is the only bit I’m missing.

    • mjcheecha
      March 16, 2015 at 11:41 pm

      Yes, you definitely can get away with just one or two oils. I’d say basil and/or geranium are pretty good ones. Let me know if you need more!

  • Quinn
    April 13, 2015 at 3:31 pm

    Yes! I made this with ylang ylang, ginger, and basil and love the way it smells with the coconut oil. So easy and so cheap.

    • mjcheecha
      April 13, 2015 at 3:43 pm


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