Energy Vampires — 5 ways to retain your energy

There are some various definitions around about what an Energy Vampire is — but the common thread is that it is someone who sucks your energy. Someone who depletes you, drains you of all your good vibes, brings your happy down or just leaves you feeling exhausted.
We all have these people in our lives and I am sure you are thinking about a few of them right now. I often talk about energetic cords between people and this is one main way that people can drain you. On the energetic level of our bodies they literally attach to us (think of a plug in a socket) and take from our energy centers or chakras. These tend to be from people we are more emotionally connected to (like family or partners) and they can take a lot of our energy from us.
There are many types of energy vampires out there of which here are a few:

  • The Complainer: This person feels the need to complain about everything in their life. Nothing is ever good enough and they pull you into  their swirl of misery.
  • Guilt Tripping Taker: This person wants something from you and will manipulate and guilt you into doing, saying, acting the way they want.
  • Gossip Gals: These people LOVE to gossip and pull you into their life drama. They thrive off of it and can’t stop talking smack about other people. Similar to drama queens…you know who I mean.
  • Needy Nelly: These friends can be very insecure and needy. They seem to latch onto you– physically (always needing to hang out) or emotionally (this is where energetic cords get attached)–they don’t feel like they can survive without you.
  • The Judger: They are better than everyone else and need to place opinions and judgements on all those around them.
  • And this list goes on…the blamer, the jealous one…etc.

You may know someone in each of these categories— possibly even some of your good friends or family. Do you tolerate their behavior? Do you distance yourself?
Here are 5 tips to keep your energy in tact and no effected by these vamps:

  1.  Establish and set boundaries: If you don’t like drama and gossip, then don’t engage and tell them this. If you don’t set the precedent then they will assume what they are doing with you is alright
  2. Ground yourself when around this person. This means to feel your feet on the ground and connect into earth energy— it grounds your energy and preserves it.
  3. Deep breaths: This will help calm you down and center you when dealing with someone that is exhausting. Just keep breathing and try to let what they are saying just fall away from you.
  4. Put their words into perspective; try not to react negatively or with anger. These are their words or actions, not yours. Non-reaction lessens the continuation of the drama or situation.
  5. If you are a visual person, imaging you are surrounded by white or purple light. Any of their negative energy or words just gets reflected off of you.

You also always have the options to reassess this relationship and determine if it works for you still. That can be difficult but your energy and well being are what is important.

And here is the kicker….we have ALL been Energy Vampires at some point.

I know that I have done every one of those energy sucking things to someone at some point in my life. Remember we are all human and are not perfect. Have an open heart and try to understand where they are at in their life. If they are worth keeping around then they will accept the boundaries you set.

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