5 Tips for Winter Mood Lifting

During winter, we could all use a mood lift at some point or another. Our bodies slow down and huddle indoors a lot more than the rest of the year. Our moods can dip from a variety of reasons; getting darker earlier, colder weather, less time outside, holidays, etc.

Below are some tips to shift your energy and lift your mood this season. They may seem obvious…or not something you have done in a long time…but definitely effective.

  1. Clean out your home + spaces— organize and remove clutter to clear old energy and allow space for new items to enter. Spring cleaning isn’t the only time to go through your stuff and clear things out. Winter time is a perfect time to clean and organize especially to make room for all those new gifts you may be expecting to bring into the home. Also a good reason is for tip #2.
  2. Help out others in need. It is always great to help others in need and especially this time of year where some people may be feeling the strain of finances or difficult emotions around the holidays. Take all those items you clear out of your home and donate them. It will feel twice as nice!
  3. Spend less time watching television and more time with friends and family or working on projects that make you happy. It is REALLY easy to just plop yourself in front of the TV when it’s cold and dreary outside. But that is the exact time you should get out and meet with people. Socialize, get yourself out of the house, do something creative…
  4. Call people you haven’t talked to in awhile (and no, I don’t mean text them). Winter time can be a lonely time and why so many people feel depressed in this season. So, reach out and chat it up with someone you haven’t caught up with in awhile.
  5. Go for a brisk walk outside in the cold air. Getting out in the winter air opens up and clears the lungs. It is great for moving stuck energy and lifting  your mood. It is also great for the skin!

Those aren’t so daunting are they? I bet you can do all 5. Happy Winter!

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comments (3)

  • Bre
    December 7, 2016 at 11:00 am

    Those are great ideas! Thank you! <3

    • mjcheecha
      December 7, 2016 at 12:32 pm

      Thank you! Glad you like 🙂

  • barbara
    December 12, 2016 at 4:55 pm

    hmmm..sounds good to me!

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