Chakra Program

Chakra Package: Energy Healing + Coaching

This package will help you heal on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels by focusing on each chakra one at a time. You will receive guidance and tips on areas of focus for each chakra, retaining your energy and how to move forward with these new shifts. Includes handouts, essential oils samples for each chakra, meditation guidance and more. I have found the combination of energy work along with coaching support creates the biggest transformations and shifts overall.

This is a very powerful chakra program to aid healing and clearing old emotional and thought patterns you have had your whole life. We focus on one chakra at a time, as each chakra houses different emotions, starting at the root and moving up to the crown. This program is great if you are tired of feeling stuck, unsure of how to move forward in your life, in your relationships, and are ready to grow personally and spiritually.

What is included?

  • 8 1-hr sessions over the course of 4 or 6 months
  • An essential oil that correlates to the chakra we are working on
  • Chakra information handouts and worksheets with energy tips + techniques to do at home
  • Energy work at each session and coaching support
  • Email support throughout your program

If this sounds like the transformational experience you are looking for, contact me to set up a free energy assessment.

What is a session like?

First, we will discuss the chakra that we are focusing on for that session. I will provide a handout with information about it for you to keep and refer back to. We will talk about those areas of your life that deal with that chakra. (For example, if we are discussing the 2nd chakra we will discuss your relationships, creativity, and desires; where things are flowing, and where you may feel stuck.)

Then we will move to the Energy Healing portion of the session. We will do some visualizations or meditation, then I will work on balancing that chakra and checking for any energetic cords that need to be removed.

We will finish by reviewing what to focus on for the next few weeks. I will provide exercises to help you continue to open and work with that chakra and things that are going on in your life at the time.

Signs of Imbalance at each Chakra:

  • Root chakra: Feelings of not belonging with your family/community. Not feeling grounded or secure in the world or that you can stand alone and be resourceful. May start to feel anxious or afraid with your daily interactions.
  • Sacral chakra: You may feel like you are waiting for something to happen or come to you. Not trust yourself or others. Have poor boundaries in relationships that need balancing. Not experiencing joy, passion, creativity or sexual desires.
  • Solar Plexus chakra: Feeling low self-esteem or inadequate— that you are not good enough. May also feel over-responsible, doing lots of tasks or busy work (workaholic). Can be judgmental of others or be more aggressive.
  • Heart chakra: Holding onto feelings of anger or resentment towards someone—“I blame my past (or person) for my current situation”. Feelings of grief, sadness, or loss. Not being able to feel passionate about life or your work.
  • Throat chakra: Not able to speak your mind to those around you. Worried about what others will think if you tell the truth. Unable to express self creatively.
  • Third Eye chakra: Unable to visualize what you want or the future– can’t dream. Overly “left brain” or “right-brain”. Lacking focus or clear thought. Have a poor self-image that you cannot see otherwise.
  • Crown chakra: No sense of purpose in life— searching for meaning. Feeling a loss of control of life and that you have the poor fate. Or trying to control every aspect of life and not allowing for universal energy to flow through you.