Worry: Manifesting the Negative

For all of you worry warts out there– this one is for you.
Why do we worry? Because we are nervous about what is going to take place in the future.  Usually, something we can not control. Maybe we are afraid something bad might happen to a family member. Or you are worried that you won’t get the something you want.
To many, it can feel like they are doing something useful when they are worrying– some even think a good thing where they say “I worry about you” like the energy they are putting forth is helping you.

Here is the kicker; worrying IS doing something. It is manifesting the thing that you do NOT want.  

What do I mean by manifesting? To create or draw into your life. We create our circumstances all the time– or manifest them. The things we dream about, want or desire in our life come to us the more attention and energy we put into them.
So, in a way, if you say to someone “I worry about you”, it is actually drawing in negative energy toward them. Instead, you should think positive thoughts for a person– what you want to happen for them instead of what you are worried will happen. Some people think this makes you a caring person or a responsible parent if you are constantly worrying for your children or friends. This is a belief system that you have created that worrying is “useful”.
Those who worry excessively would equate worrying with the following, believing it to be useful or a positive use of energy:

  • Having one’s guard up
  • Being better prepared for anticipated negative life events
  • Feeling less threatened when dealing with surprises

As long as you are placing energy into what you do not want, you will create exactly what you fear or a continuation of what you don’t want.  If you are signaling out negative vibes, you will attract just that.  Like attracts like, and the universe confirms that fact.
Worrying is also putting your self into the future and thinking the worst. Staying present in the moment is key– try asking yourself these questions if you find yourself worrying:

  • Do I know for sure that this is going to happen?
  • Have I dealt with tough or unexpected situations before without worrying about them prior to the event?
  • Am I worrying because it makes me feel better or more responsible? Is it necessary?

One main way to stop manifesting what you don’t want when you worry is to stop reinforcing negative thoughts. Instead:

Pour all of your energy into your intended outcome or desire.

Intend to be happy?  You will be happy.  Intend to be successful? You will be a success.
Put the intention out there and that is it.  Act like it is already true.  Things will line up and come to you to support that intention.
And the next time someone says “I worry about you” feel free to respond “Actually, instead of worrying, I would prefer it if you would just send wishes to me of becoming rich*. Thanks and good day.”  😉
(*or any desire you want)

comments (2)

  • Breona graper
    October 31, 2016 at 10:15 pm

    Love this. great post!

    • mjcheecha
      November 1, 2016 at 12:27 pm

      thank you!!!

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