Mini Meditation :: 5 Count

I am going to start a series of mini meditations for people to try. These are great ways to get into meditation if you think that it is too hard or don’t know where to start. Even just 5 minutes a day can do amazing things for your mind and emotions.

: the 5 count :

This is a really simple way to do a meditation. It gives you something to focus on while getting you into a more relaxed state– helping you get into a rhythm of breathing.
Follow these steps to get going:

  • Find a quiet place to sit– either on the floor with legs crossed or on some pillows or even a chair with feet uncrossed and on the floor. It is better to sit upright than lying down.
  • Close your eyes, relax your face and jaw. Sit up straight, with chin slightly down to elongate the back of your neck.
  • Take a deep inhale and exhale to fully empty the belly.
  • You will then inhale (filling the belly, then the lungs) for a 5 seconds
  • At the top of the breath, hold it in for 5 seconds
  • Then exhale for 5 seconds, completely emptying the belly
  • Pause for a beat at the bottom of the exhale and repeat 5 : 5 : 5
  • Continue to breath with this pattern for at least 5 minutes
  • Do this practice daily, while increasing the total time you meditate each time

See how long you can sit + breath for! Good luck and let me know how it goes if you try it.
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