Mini Meditation :: Stillness in Nature

It is wonderful to be able to do a meditation in nature. It is relaxing and very grounding. But, you don’t have to be in nature to get the benefits from it– visualizing you are in nature can also be very effective. All the elements of nature have different energetic qualities and focusing on them brings that energy into your meditation.

: stillness in nature :

This meditation is about connecting into the energy of nature. It can be done quickly in 5 minutes or up to 20 minutes depending on the time you have.

Follow these steps:

  • Find a quiet place to sit– on the floor with legs crossed, on some pillows or a chair with feet uncrossed and on the floor.
  • Close your eyes, relax your face and jaw. Sit up straight, with chin slightly down to elongate the back of your neck.
  • Take a deep inhale and exhale fully.
  • Visualize yourself meditating out in nature — somewhere peaceful with a nice place to sit near water and trees.
  • Visualize the ground around you —seeing the grass or sand and feeling the texture and energy of the earth.
  • Breathe in this energy for few minutes and really connect with that grounding energy.
  • Next, notice the water near you. Could be a bubbling stream, river or waves of the ocean. Listen to the sounds and feel the energy of water near you.
  • Continue to breathe in and out with the rhythm of the water.
  • Next, look to the trees around you. What kind of trees are they? Picture how tall they are, the trunks, branches, leaves…see all parts of the trees seeing what they look and feel like.
  • Really try to connect in with the energy of the trees– whether its the strength of a large tree or one that is more flexible with flowing branches. Feel yourself as the tree you are visualizing.
  • Now feel the breeze move through your branches. Hear the wind blow around you and through you. Take a few minutes to feel the difference of the wind energy.
  • Come back to feeling your seat on the ground and feeling the earth energy.
  • Slowly open your eyes and come back into your body.

Hope you enjoyed your meditation out into nature!

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