What is your daily energy routine? I’m guessing you may not have one…or at least don’t think of what you do as clearing your energy and helping your vibration. Just as you have a beauty routine or daily hygiene routine you should absolutely have an energy routine. Because, after all…you are a giant glowing wonderful ball of energy.

Throughout your day you interact with a lot of people in several different environments. You can pick up the energy of people, as I am sure you have noticed, just by having a conversation. You may have also noticed that certain places or environments make you feel off. I notice this in very high traffic places like train stations or doctor’s offices– especially if there is a lot of technology and electrical equipment. Even being on our phones or computers too long can throw your energy off.

Try out these energy steps and work your way up to doing all of them in a day and see how you feel. You can do whatever order works for you. I notice if I have low energy or feel down in the morning then I need to start my day off with a quick meditation and some grounding before going out into the world.

Grounding is a way of connecting into the earth’s vibration and keeping our energy calm and centered. We are part of this earth and we vibrate at a similar rate as the earth so it is important to stay connected to it. Read more about grounding here.

Using Salt to clear your energy is something you can do in the shower, bath or just place around the house. Salt absorbs the negative energy around it and I always notice a big shift when I use in the shower after a day around a lot of people. I always tell anyone who works with people, especially health professionals or healers, to use salt/Epsom salt every day.

Burning sage is an ancient technique for clearing the energy around you. It is especially used before and after healings, meditations or spiritual journeys. You can use sage, cedarwood or palo santo but be aware that because of recent popularity some of these plants have gone on endangered lists so be cognizant of where you are buying from. A place that has ethically sourced plants like this would be a good start.

I am a big proponent of meditating and I tell all of my clients they should be practicing as it helps your focus and awareness of energy and thoughts. Even just 5 minutes a day is beneficial so there is no excuse! And I have a few 5-minute meditation examples to try as well as some guided– so get going!

Crystals are another great way to clear your energy. There are so many kinds that are great for different purposes. But to simplify for anyone new to crystals, trying clear quartz or rose quartz is a great place to start. You can hold them while meditating and put out the intention to clear your energy field. You can also lay down while meditating and put them on your chakras and feel the shifts.

I hope you try out some of these exercises and make them a part of your daily Energy Routine. You will feel lighter and more refreshed if you are tuning into your energy every day and clearing it out. Let me know how it goes– leave a comment below especially if you do all 5!

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